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Stalled Agents Detector Now Detects Buggy LT Agents

Stalled Agents Detector Now Detects Buggy LT Agents

The Buggy Agent Detector

Plugins4Automate released today the latest build of their Stalled Agents Detector Plugin, Build 1.0.10.  In this release the dev team has added a new tab and tool to detect buggy labtech and automate agents.

Buggy What?

It is known by many that there is some issues that the Automate Dev Team is working on to correct, that causes the LT agent to fail to be able to do basic script and command functions. This then causes the agent to stop patching, updating hardware stats and many other common functions that the agent normally does. We have a test that we execute each day that will test all agents for this issue and if found the agents will show up in our Buggy Agents Tab.


Agents that show up in the view should be reported to LabTech Support. Typically they will add you to the bug ticket so you get notices when updates, workarounds or fixes are available.

These agents will most likely not be patching via LabTech correctly!




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